mud wrestling

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Englannin sanakirja

mud wrestling (englanti > suomi)

  1. mutapaini

mud wrestling englanniksi

  1. A form of entertainment in which people wrestle in mud.

  2. 1986, High fidelity, Volume 36, Issues 1-6; Volume 36, Issues 1-6

  3. "I don't like female mudwrestling, It's stupid, it's embarrassing"
  4. 1994, John Coborn, John Coborn, The mini-atlas of snakes of the world, Snippet

  5. There is also the story of the brave young man who makes his living mudwrestling with anacondas.
  6. 1995, Anne Taylor Fleming, Anne Taylor Fleming, Motherhood Deferred: A Womans Journey'', Snippet

  7. They were like mudwrestling, a spectator sport that had sprouted up during the seventies and eighties
  8. 1998, Joshua Gamson, Freaks talk back: tabloid talk shows and sexual nonconformity, page 302

  9. a superbly researched and fascinating foray into the netherworld of the daytime television mudwrestling arena.
  10. 1998, Vibe, Aug 1998, page 44

  11. There, amid the curses and catcalls of sweaty beer drinkers, the tour's headliners are set to engage in a hallowed feminist ritual:
  12. 2005, Scott Thumma, Edward R. Gray, Gay religion, page 343

  13. and include everything from campouts to contests to select a leatherman or Ieatherboy to mudwrestling events.
  14. puhekieltä A dirty and disreputable dispute.

  15. (quote-magazine)

  16. {{quote-book|passage=When will we stop the political mud wrestling and begin to wrestle with the most potentially destructive force ever to challenge this Nation?

  17. {{quote-book|year=2004
